electric power Sernoven

¿Necesita cambiar la potencia eléctrica contratada en su negocio o vivienda? ¡En Sernoven le contamos todas las claves!

En muchas ocasiones la potencia eléctrica contratada, debido a la tipología de consumo y la cambiante normativa que establece cómo se factura en cada tipo de tarifa, no se corresponde con el valor óptimo económico. Es por ello, que debe abordarse la optimización de este parámetro para evitar los sobrecostes que implican no hacerlo. Estos son los casos que pueden presentarse:

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electric power Sernoven

Do you need to change the electric power contracted in your home or business? With Sernoven you have all the keys!

In many cases the electric power contracted does not correspond to the economic optimum value due to the type of consumption and changing legislation which establishes how each type of rate is billed. It is, therefore, to be addressed optimization of this parameter to avoid cost overruns involving not to do it. These are the cases that may arise:

  1. If your contracted electric power is less than 15 kW

Until a couple of years ago in electricity supply contracts with contracted electric power less than 15kW. At that time, the legislation established the need for the Distribution company to install in the electrical panel an ICP (power control switch, interruptor de control de potencia in Spanish) in order to limit the simultaneous maximum electrical power that could consume. The calibre (amperage) of this switch was selected based on the electric power contracted.

With the progressive replacement of analogue by digital electricity meter boxes, the situation changes substantially. The new electronic electricity meter boxes have built-in ICP, which has cutting and rearmament capacity. This can “force” many facilities to adjust the value of electric power contracted to the reality of consumption. As long as the 15kW are not exceeded the process is practically automatic and is done through the trading company with which the supply contract has been signed, (customizing it in the ICP electronic meter box, remote), and signing a new contract that reflects the new power.

Facilities with more than 20 years old must pass an inspection (qualified electrician) and register a Bulletin of the Electrical System to the Distribution company and the Department of Industry.

  1. If your contracted electric power is between 15 kW and 451 kW

    A) Transformer intensity needs to be adapted to new powers.

If the new desired electric power is outside the permissible range determined by the Distribution company according to the electrical system transformer intensity, proceed to its replacement hiring a qualified electrician. This is coordinated first by requesting new powers to the trading company with which the supply contract has been signed and contacting at the same time with the Distribution company to report it, confirming the modifications to be made on transformers and then checking them. It is then a technical and administrative management.

          B) No needs to adapt transformer intensity to new powers.

If the new desired electric power is inside the permissible range determined by the Distribution company according to the electrical system transformer intensity, it is not necessary to proceed to its replacement hiring a qualified electrician. This is coordinated by requesting new powers to the trading company with which the supply contract has been signed. It is then a purely administrative management.

What if we want to increase the contracted power?

Apart from all the above, the situation may be complicated substantially when to request an electrical power increase. Installation requires a new Bulletin of the Electrical System either because not done in his day (no Legalized system), it is not conserved or because the new desired power exceeds the maximum value indicated in the existing Bulletin of the Electrical System.

A) If it is a home, a small business or industry, and want to increase less than half of what had hired or less than 10 kW in housing, 100 kW in small businesses or 20 kW in industry, an electrician can do all formalities and provide the new Bulletin of the Electrical System.

B) If it is a home, a business or an industry and we need to increase more than 50% of what had hired and power is higher than the values indicated in the previous paragraph, in addition to hire an electrician, ask an engineering company that will carry out the necessary project and will legalize it.

To legalize electrical system and obtain a certified electrical system (called Electric Bulletin) it is necessary an electrical project signed by an engineer needs in addition to the paper signed by the electrician in charge of the work. This new bulletin will be required to contract electrical supply, increase contracted power above the maximum value of the existing bulletin and also to obtain the activity license.

C) If the local has public audience, such as large shops, bars, cafes, clubs, etc. An electrician, engineering and OCA (Administrative Certification Organism, Organismo de Certificación Administrativa in Spanish) services for review of the installation whatever the power increase required to perform will be.

It would also be necessary to undertake adaptation works of the installation, which will require at least an electrical connection adaptation and a general automatic switch of the electrical panel as it is an increase of the electric power.

If the distribution network of your consumption does not have enough power available, the Distribution company could request the establishment of a new power line from a transformer center for the distribution, which will also require engineering project. It should also be responsible to hire the work to be done.

Due to the technical and economic implications of all above, on most occasions when you want to increase the electric power contracted, it will be more efficient and profitable perform an optimization study of consumption facilities and optimum power to hire hefting all factors on the line. If you are planning to carry out this improvement, consult our experts where they provide personalized advice and the best solution for your case.


Energy efficiency sernoven-eficiencia-energetica-centros-deportivos-2 Energy efficiency

Sernoven, pieza clave en la eficiencia energética de centros deportivos

Fruto de la experiencia sobre eficiencia energética acumulada durante 5 años, Sernoven ha conseguido los siguientes excelentes resultados en la optimización energética de centros deportivos:

  • Mejora continua en las prestaciones del Servicio de Asesoramiento Técnico y Energético prestado para Centros Deportivos; monitorización energética, cambio de hábitos de uso, optimización en gestión técnica de las instalaciones optimización prestación servicios de mantenimiento, adecuación técnica de instalaciones obsoletas o deficientemente mantenidas, etc.
  • Mediante el análisis pormenorizado de los datos de telemedida que proporciona cada uno de los equipos principales responsables del consumo de una instalación deportiva, hemos conseguido priorizar, según la directriz del cliente, las medidas con menor impacto en inversión y menor cuantía de ahorros sobre las de mayor impacto en inversión y mayor cuantía o al revés. Mediante la consultoría de detalle conseguimos reducir hasta un 40% la factura eléctrica y otro tanto la térmica (gas, gasoil,etc), sin necesariamente tener que asumir grandes inversiones ni cambios. Conviene recordar que se procura la financiación contra ahorros por pequeña que sea la inversión.
  • Adquirir un profundo conocimiento de los modelos de financiación que encajan con la realidad del Sector que han hecho posible la implantación de medidas de Eficiencia Energética que requieren una inversión importante.
  • Aumentar continuamente la cartera de CLIENTES en dicho Sector.


Algunos hitos destacables:

  1. Proyecto para sustitución de enfriadora aire/agua por enfriadora de alta eficiencia con recuperación de calor para precalentamiento del ACS y del agua de la piscina semiolímpica. ESEER > 5 (energía frigorífica y térmica)

          Inversión = 241.000€

          Ahorro = 50.000€/año

          PRS = 4,8 años


  1. Proyecto para sustitución de sistema de producción de ACS mediante resistencias eléctricas por Bombas de Calor de alta eficiencia (COP > 4)

          Inversión = 105.000€

          Ahorro = 24.000€/año

          PRS = 4,3 años


  1. Implantación de sistema de monitorización remota (TELEMEDIDA) de consumos eléctricos y de gas natural para optimización de variables de contratación y hábitos de consumos


  1. Adecuación de las variables de consigna y funcionamiento de las instalaciones (Tª acumulación ACS, caudal bombas, temperatura estacional piscinas, etc.) para optimización de consumo.

          Inversión = 0€

          Ahorro = 15.000€/año


Desde SERNOVEN ponemos a su disposición todo nuestro conocimiento y experiencia para mejorar la gestión de sus instalaciones, reducir los costes energéticos y mejorar la calidad del servicio a sus usuarios.


Energy efficiency sernoven-eficiencia-energetica-centros-deportivos-2 Energy efficiency

Sernoven, cornerstone for sports centers energy efficiency

As a result of the experience accumulated on energy efficiency over 5 years, Sernoven has achieved the following excellent results in sports centers energy optimization:

  • Continuous improvement in the performance of Technical and Energy Consulting Service provided for Sports Centers; energy monitoring, changing usage habits, technical management of facilities optimization, maintenance facilities providing optimization, technical adequacy of obsolete or poorly maintained facilities, etc.
  • Through detailed analysis of telemetry data provided by each of the main equipment responsible of the sports facilities consumption, we have achieved to prioritize, according to the guideline customer, measures with less impact on investment and lower amount of savings over those of greater impact on investment and greater amount or vice versa. We reduce up to 40% in electricity bills and as much in thermal bills (gas, oil, etc.) by consulting detail, without necessarily having to take major investments or changes. It should be remembered that funding is provided against cost savings, however small may be the investment.
  • To acquire a deep understanding of the financing models that fit the reality of the sector that has made possible the implementation of energy efficiency measures that require a major investment.
  • Continually increase CUSTOMERS portfolio in this Sector.



Some important milestones:

  1. Air/water cooler replacement project with a hight efficiency cooler with heat recovery for preheating the ACS (hot water for sanitary uses) and semi-Olympic pool water. ESEER> 5 (cooling and thermal energy)

Investment = 241,000 €

Savings = 50,000 € / year

PRS = 4,8 years

  1. ACS production system replacement project of electrical resistance by high efficiency heat pumps (COP> 4)

Investment = 105,000 €

Savings = 24,000 € / year

PRS = 4.3 years

  1. Implementation of remote monitoring system (TELEMETRY) of electrical energy and natural gas consumption for trading variables and consumption habits optimization.
  2. Adequacy of variables instructions and facilities operation (ACS accumulation temperature, flow pumps, pools seasonal temperature, etc.) to optimize consumption.

Investment = 0€

Savings = 15,000 € / year

From SERNOVEN we offer all our knowledge and experience to improve the management of their facilities, to reduce energy costs and improve service quality to its users.