Tag Archive for: energy cost reduction

Efficiency in industrial maintenance

When we talk about energy efficiency usually we associate the concept to the installation of renewable energy support, replacement of old equipment by more modern ones with higher yields and lower consumption, implementation of energy management systems that allow control consumption and emissions, LED lighting etc.


Seldom we think that the mere work of those responsible for industrial maintaining a company can contribute, a lot, to reducing energy consumption while maintaining the same levels of production.

This is not to change equipment or make investments whose cost is usually high and return to medium or long-term, efficiency is applicable in day to day and it is necessary to lead a maintenance management of the installation through small actions involving in short, great results.


The secret is to have industrial maintenance with a holistic view, understanding that everything is not always the sum of the parts, understanding that a facility operates as a set of interconnected systems and energy gains and losses in each of the subsystems affect or benefit the rest. The result is exponential and from experience, can reach percentages of reduction in costs surprisingly high and comparable to any measure of replacement of obsolete equipment by more efficient ones, but with a substantially lower cost. We talked about a 25% reduction on average, a decent percentage to be analysed. It is, therefore, important that the owner and the responsible for running the business counts on some specialisation engineering in the field. In this sense it is necessary that engineering has knowledge and experience in facilities management and be able to implement efficiency in such management necessary to achieve the desired results. You must also provide the customer the option of buying your services through a flexible service model and focused on results.


Today, it is possible to outsource services with that approach that soon begin to be paid with the result obtained leaving a significant positive difference in several ways: cost reduction in management, workload industrial maintenance costs, energy costs, necessary equipment replacement. In addition, if you have the right support, other more intangible benefits are obtained, but no less important, such as unloading concerns knowing that someone external, impartial and focused on results, ensures the proper functioning of the systems, supporting our internal staff.

Sernoven App eficiencia energética Valencia Energy

Sernoven developed an innovative system to predict energy results

SERNOVEN will put on the market a self-development application and result of the experience accumulated over the years. With this app we aim to make more comfortable and agile the energy management process for engineering companies which provide its services to business and would like to direct it as a technical support and counsel towards energy cost reduction and implementation of cost saving measures. It will also help maintenance technicians with the daily work giving them a new support.

The developed tool allows modeling the pattern of energy consumption of an installation within the tertiary or industrial sector without having to monitor. The application can predict with a high degree of certainty energy consumption and cost associated faced with any change of used variables of the application. Thus, we give to the owner and professionals who ensure the proper functioning of the installation a very powerful tool to simulate the impact of any action or modification of the original model, with the purpose to contrast potential savings in the installation. Furthermore, among others, let make decisions in advance considering the behavior of electricity markets improving energy management.

In addition, the tool let the user to create personalized rates with which, by introducing contract conditions, you will be able to make a comparison of costs for different consumption rates. In this way, the user can determine if the current rate is the most suitable for the installation.

This tool will be connected to the intra-daily market price data for accurate calculations. In later versions, development planning plans to launch an alerts module based on weather forecasts, so that if an engineering services company provides support to customers from different locations, they will be able to give instructions for a more accurate management taking advantage of the conditions and minimizing the impact of ambient temperature changes. This is useful to customize management in cases of multiple supply points scattered throughout the national territory.

With all of the above, it significantly reduces the uncertainty facing making a decision with this tool which can simulate in advance the impact of potential cost-saving measures and energy management, facilitating the work of Management. Once again, the R&D department of Sernoven gets bring value to its customers and be in the forefront of the energy efficiency sector.